Turf, Plants and Tree Nutrition
St Regis Polo Club, Dubai
Broad Acre or Row Cropping – Apply 2-6T/HA
Palagonite is best applied into and below the usual root zone to encourage deeper root growth. Reduce recommended soluble chemical fertiliser application rates. Apply fertiliser above the palagonite layer to reduce leaching of soluble nutrients.
Domestic Gardens - Apply @ 2kg/m2
Incorporate Palagonite into the soil to 250mm depth in garden beds. Reduce soluble surface applied soluble chemical fertiliser application rates. Composts and organic fertiliser application rates can be varied as required.
Pasture and Turf
Top-dress with Palagonite at a rate of 3Kg/m2 in small scale applications. Large scale applications can vary between 2-6T/HA, depending on the result required, and budget constraints
Chris Cameron, Platinum Compost
Effective composting of biomass and animal manures can be accelerated with palagonite to create an odourless, fully composted product that contains the full suite of essential plant nutrients. Compost provides the nutrients that are low in palagonite. Palagonite provides the nutrients that are low, or absent, in compost. This combination has been shown to be an effective nutrient recipe to rapidly increase microbial populations, and activity, within the compost pile, to create a well balanced, rich, and complete organic nutrient source that contains beneficial soil organisms and luxury amounts of all of the 22 essential nutrients required for optimal plant growth.
When compost containing palagonite is used as a top dressing or mulch, the added palagonite provides weight and substance as well increasing nutrient retention capacity. This reduces wash-out in heavy rain and loss of nutrients due to leaching. Application rates will vary according to the type of waste product and moisture content of the waste to be composted.
Application rates of palagonite varying between 20-50% have been trialled successfully on mixed, difficult to compost waste products such as; paunch contents, wet manures, hoof and horn waste, as well as biomass, dry manures, sawdust, etc.
With compost you basically get back what you put in - a nutrient rich compost always has higher nutrient inputs.
Animal Nutrition
To improve condition and correct animal mineral deficiencies – include at a rate of around 2% of the animals daily feed ration. Simultaneous top dressing of pastures @ 6T/Ha will improve the quality and essential nutrient content of pasture-based feed to reduce further long term potential for mineral deficiencies over time.